The drive was smooth until we got pulled over by UAE police. We apparently were driving in the wrong lane on the highway. In stead of staying in the car our driver immediately got out of the car to talk to the officials. In the US I believe you can be arrested for an act like that…I guess that’s not the case here. Haha. Once our driver got back into the car he simply said “no problem, no problem, cash money, no problem.” We al thought this was hilarious and it has continued as a running joke between the interns.

ADNEC Building - currently 68 days ahead of schedule and pooring concret on the 19th floor
Once we arrived to the ADNEC building site we were greeted by the Project Manager. He briefed us on the building and its progress. Once we are briefed on the building we go and walk the job site, stopping along the way to view different aspects of the buildings or any specific issues that have come up. Job site visits are always hectic because in the extreme heat with we are taking notes like mad men. Ever word that comes out of the managers mouth seems to be worthy of noting. We have the challenge of trying to hear over the construction and through language accents. After working up a heavy sweat during our full morning on the job site, it was lunch time.
We enjoy the buffet supplied at the Holiday Inn, a neighboring hotel. Another good lunch! Great salad bar and delicious grilled veggie sandwiched. I never can turn down hummus so I put some of that on my sandwiches, was a nice add. Then it came time for dessert. I always have room for dessert, as lways say dessert act like masonry in the stomach, it fills all the cracks. I helped myself to some vanilla ice cream with pistachio vanilla cookies. Yummmm!
Back to the job site after lunch. We did some manual labor and laid some brick block work for the apartment walls. It was a lot tougher than the workers make it look. Apparently, some of our work was not good enough… when we visited our wall later in the day parts were taken down due to poor construction. Haha.

Sweet batherooms in the Holiday Inn (check out thr floating sinks
We got back home late, time for workout, make dinner and write my notes on the site visit.
We are keeping busy here but learning lots. Thank you all for following, Sean
Due to computer problems uploading pictures is proving to be difficult. Will do my best.